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Life Resource Planning is a comprehensive approach to helping seniors put supports in place so that they can continue to enjoy their life no matter how their health needs change in the future, relieving the stress and financial pressure on family members who support their loved ones. At Scott Counsel, Life Resource Planning starts with a conversation about what you want your life to look like in the future, creating a Life Care Plan that covers:

  • Long-term care placement
  • Medicaid planning
  • Veteran’s benefits
  • Guardianship

You won’t find personalized life resource planning services at any other law firm. Call Scott Counsel today to learn how to combine a comprehensive Life Care Plan with a robust estate plan, and create a legacy that will last for generations to come.

Virtual Consultations Include the WHOLE Family

When families live far apart or seniors have mobility issues, a virtual meeting with Scott Counsel makes it easy to include everyone in the conversation.

Peace of mind starts with a FREE Consultation.