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Welcome to the Scott Counsel Resource Library, featuring two FREE publications of interest to seniors and their families. While these topics might be difficult to talk about, we hope that they inspire candid conversation within your family.

Using A Care Plan to Reduce Medicare Readmission Rate

Navigating the Medicare process and understanding all of its benefits can be tricky.  The application process alone can be intimidating, and many elder law firms can assist with this process.  Many elderly individuals (and their adult children) are under the misimpression that Medicare will pay for their long-term care indefinitely.  Others do not appreciate the importance of avoiding “observation status” or the availability of the Medicare home care benefit.

MAID: Assisted Suicide or Death with Dignity?

For supporters of MAID (medical assistance in dying), allowing terminally ill patients the choice to have “death with dignity” is the humane and compassionate thing to do. On the other hand, some medical professionals view participation in MAID as a violation of their ethical responsibility to “do no harm.”

Virtual Consultations Include the WHOLE Family

When families live far apart or seniors have mobility issues, a virtual meeting with Scott Counsel makes it easy to include everyone in the conversation.

Peace of mind starts with a FREE Consultation.