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Creating a Life Resource Plan

One of the many things that the Elder Law professionals at Scott Counsel specialize in is the creation of what’s known as a Life Resource Plan. But what is a Life Resource Plan? Simply put, it works to define, organize, prioritize and mobilize every single aspect for care for a loved one. That means that they discover your needs, group them into categories, rank them by priority, and then carry out the plan to provide you with the best care possible. While each and every Life Resource Plan will be different, based on an individual’s unique needs, there are three areas in which all of them are the same:

  • Making sure proper care is provided to the elder, whether at home or in a care center, in order to maintain the quality of life that he or she wants.
  • Locating both public and private sources to help pay for long-term care while resolving any issues that were created by a high cost of care.
  • And finally, it offers peace of mind that comes from the right choices are being made to make sure that those we love are safe and getting the proper care while managing to preserve family resources.

So, when do you enact such a plan? The perfect time is normally right after an event happens that leaves you worried or concerned for his or her well-being. Something like:

  • They receive a diagnosis of cancer, Alzheimer’s disease or some other chronic illness or condition
  • A catastrophic event, like a fall, mishap with medication, a fire, accident at home or a car wreck
  • You’ve discovered your loved one has been wandering off, is malnourished, dehydrated or simply unable to care for him or herself because of functional limitations.
  • A medical event, like a stroke, heart attack, or aneurysm
  • Burnout of the primary caregiver

While it is possible to wait until the person has an immediate need for a Resource Plan, waiting that long can put everyone hat a disadvantage. Creating one prior to actually needing it benefits everyone in several ways:

  • It helps to get your loved one the care that he or she needs right now, which can bring relief for caregivers.
  • It gets you plugged into a network of community services and resources
  • It increases the chances of your loved one being able to age at home, which can increase dignity and independence.
  • It gets all legal and financial affairs in order.
  • It enables the family to avoid asset protection crisis when your loved one makes the transition to long-term care outside the house.
  • It helps to empower you with a support network that assists in dealing with every legal, healthcare and long-term care transition your loved one will face for the rest of their lives.

Life Resource Plans are often right for the following people:

  • Senior individuals who are dealing with effects from aging, chronic illnesses such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, stroke, or dementia, or any disabilities from accidents or illness.
  • Cognitively, emotionally, or developmentally disabled persons, regardless of age.
  • Those people of any age who have been permanently disabled due to accident or illness.

Finally, let’s look at the benefits a Life Resource Plan provides:

  • The senior or disabled loved one gets the proper care faster, as well as having as much independence as possible for as long as possible and the ability to age with dignity.
  • Families receive help in getting the right care and resources, and guidance with legal, health care and long-term decisions as the senior’s condition progresses, and security due to the spouse and dependents being provided for.
  • A Life Resource Plan provides reassurance that the elder will enjoy the best quality of life he or she can until the end.

If you or someone you love needs assistance with Elder Care law issues, call 856-281-3131. Let us help ease your stress and give you a plan.


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