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Independence and the Elderly

We all want to be independent. Everyone wants to be able to do things on their own. That’s the very definition of independence! Being able to accomplish a task, no matter how simple, without the aid of someone else brings good feelings—accomplishment and pride. And while independence is something that’s important to everyone, let us not forget that a sense of independence doesn’t have an age limit. It’s just as important to the elderly as it is to younger generations.

Getting older, however, often brings its own limitations into the picture, thereby hindering the goal of being independent—at least to the degree we or an elderly loved one wants to be. A lot of the time, seniors can live completely normal, independent lives. But there are some that may experience some issues such as decreased mobility or illness that can prove to be a stumbling block for them. If this is the case, then a caregiver may be just who they need to help them keep that sense of independence they once had and that which they now crave, even if it isn’t to the extent it once was.

Going hand in hand with that feeling of independence is that the elder be involved in his or her own care. Unless specifically stated otherwise, they should be allowed to do the things they are still capable of doing. Many older adults can still do things in daily life, like light chores (cleaning, cooking, or even grocery shopping), and all of these can be vital to providing them with and maintaining a sense of independence.

If you are considering becoming a caretaker for an elderly individual, you should know that besides performing normal household duties, you also need to be willing to participate in other activities with the senior, like playing games, going for walks, eating together or simply having a good conversation. It’s crucial that the elderly people living on their own be involved in caring for themselves, since that can work to instill a sense of purpose in life for them. That, in turn, will lead to that sense of accomplishment we mentioned before and helps to solidify that sense of stability and independence.

While some may not be able to quite reach that end goal of complete independence on their own, all is not lost. By having someone available to help in the areas they need it, that goal can become a part of their daily reality.

If you or someone you love needs assistance with Elder Care law issues, call 856-281-3131. Let us help ease your stress and give you a plan.

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