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Knowing When to Intervene

Going for regular visions tests is important for everyone, but especially those elderly family members in our lives.  If you are with your loved one in the car and notice continuous or consistent squinting or leaning forward trying to make sense of things, or perhaps they may be swerving a lot, it could be time for a discussion regarding their fitness to drive. You may meet more than a little reluctance, and it most certainly will not be an easy conversation to have.

Something that might help is simply letting them know that you understand their displeasure. You don’t like the idea of the conversation any more than they do, because you don’t like seeing them struggle to do something that a vast majority of society often takes for granted. Conversely, they could even open up to you about the struggles they’ve been having when it comes to driving. If so, it can work to alleviate much of the pressure both of you are probably feeling.

However, if you are met with that aforementioned reluctance, it may just be because they are afraid and don’t want to face that fear. If you’re getting the sense that your loved one is fearful, there are some ways that you can help.

First and foremost, suggest a vision test so that you both can know exactly what it is that’s causing the issue. It could be that they just need a new pair of glasses or an updated prescription for their current pair. Whatever the root issue is, it’s likely to leave them feeling apprehensive. You can help them by offering to make trips to the grocery store or running errands for them.

The most important thing is that they know they are not alone in dealing with this problem or these issues, whatever the circumstances. That can be a great load off of them mentally, as it frees them up to accomplish the tasks they can while not worrying so much about those they can’t. If you and they are still facing reluctance, simply reassure them that you understand they don’t like it—that you don’t like it either, but you want to help them to live as normal and fulfilling a life as they are able. If you can do that by just driving for them or running errands, then it might take some getting used to, but eventually things will turn out for the best—for both of you.

If you or someone you love needs assistance with Elder Care law issues, call 856-281-3131. Let us help ease your stress and give you a plan.

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