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At Scott Counsel, we recognize the stress and frustration that comes with a denied Medicaid application. To support you through these tough times, we offer a complimentary denial review service. Simply upload your denial letter, previous Medicaid requests and all correspondence sent to Medicaid, then our experienced legal team will meticulously analyze your case, providing tailored feedback and strategies to ensure the end result you require. Don’t let a Medicaid denial discourage you; let us guide you toward a possible resolution.

Why Choose Scott Counsel for Your Medicaid Denial Case Review?
Opting for Scott Counsel means accessing our extensive experience in Medicaid Planning. Our dedicated team excels at spotting inconsistencies or errors in denials that can enhance your chances of an approval. We go the extra mile to protect your rights and present your case in the best possible light.

How Does Our Complimentary Medicaid Denial Case Review Work?
Our Medicaid denial case review process is straightforward and user-friendly. Start by uploading your Medicaid denial letter, previous Medicaid requests and all correspondence sent to Medicaid through our secure form. Our legal team will then conduct a thorough review, pinpointing critical issues and crafting potential strategies. Once the review is complete, we’ll reach out with professional feedback and discuss the next best steps for your case.

What to Expect After Uploading Your Medicaid Denial Letter
After you upload your material, you can anticipate a prompt response from our team. Our comprehensive review will offer clear insights into your case, identify possible grounds for an appeal, and discuss the most effective legal strategies moving forward. At Scott Counsel, we are dedicated to providing our clients with a deep understanding of their case, empowering them to make informed decisions.

Virtual Consultations Include the WHOLE Family

When families live far apart or seniors have mobility issues, a virtual meeting with Scott Counsel makes it easy to include everyone in the conversation.

Peace of mind starts with a FREE Consultation.