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Probate is the validation of the will of a person who has recently died. The deceased’s will is submitted to the Surrogate Court, and the court appoints someone (usually the one named as executor in the will) to gather the assets of the estate to determine what debts the decedent left behind, including what taxes are owed, and then takes those assets, pays the bills, and distributes whatever is left to the beneficiaries who are entitled to these assets. One of the most daunting aspects of probate is the sheer amount of paperwork involved. From filing petitions to distributing assets, there are numerous legal documents that must be completed in a timely manner. Scott Counsel can streamline the process for you and help prevent costly mistakes and delays. Scott Counsel has guided thousands of estates through probate, and minimized the stress and burden placed on so many families.

Call Scott Counsel, and lean on us for compassionate guidance along with legal expertise. We can alleviate some of the emotional burden of the probate process for you.

Virtual Consultations Include the WHOLE Family

When families live far apart or seniors have mobility issues, a virtual meeting with Scott Counsel makes it easy to include everyone in the conversation.

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