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How to Know Your Personal Needs Allowance

A Personal Needs Allowance (aka PNA) might be another unfamiliar term for you. It can be confusing, but it doesn’t stay that way if you know what it is and what it does. Let’s take a look and clear up any confusion you might have right now:

What is a Personal Needs Allowance (PNA)?

It’s exactly what it sounds like it is: a standard amount of income than an institutionalized client can use for things like housing, clothing, personal items or other incidental things. The personal needs allowance might also be referred to as the Clothing and Personal Incidentals (or CPI). It is taken from the client’s countable income when determining the cost of care responsibility.

How is PNA Determined?

The PNA is determined according to the client’s living arrangement, any authorized services, and marital status. If someone is in multiple settings per month, the personal needs allowance that is used in the cost-of-care evaluation will be the highest PNA the person was eligible to receive at any point throughout the month.


If you or someone you love needs assistance with Elder Care law issues, call 856-281-3131. Let us help ease your stress and give you a plan.

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